Work Experience is a program where Year 10 students experience life in the workplace, often for the first time. It is a one week placement with employers in the last week of Term 2, aimed at providing insights into the industry and the workplace in which a student is working.
Students will primarily observe and learn, and undertake manageable tasks; they will not undertake activities which require extensive training or expertise.
Work experience forms an integral part of the career development process. It can provide students with:
- A better understanding of the work environment and what employers expect of their workers.
- An increased self-understanding, maturity, independence and self-confidence.
- An aspiration to continue study and/or undertake further training.
- An opportunity to explore possible career options.
- A better understanding of how the school curriculum can help prepare young people for work.
- An introduction to workplace recruitment practices.
- The opportunity to include the employer’s work experience evaluation in future job and course applications.
- The opportunity to ‘try out’ a career interest area, prior to undertaking VCE/VET/VCAL studies in Year 11 & 12.
- Advanced opportunities for part-time and casual employment.
- The opportunity to develop work-related competencies and acquire skills e.g. communication, teamwork skills.
The Work Experience Arrangement
Each Work Experience placement requires the completion of a Work Experience Arrangement Form. This form is a legal document and must be completed and signed by all parties involved – the student, the parent, the employer and the school.
The student will be insured for Work Cover and Public Liability by the Department of Education and should be paid a minimum of $5.00 a day by the employer (Federal Government Institutions and non-profit organisations are exempt from making payments).
Work Experience Travel & Accommodation Form
Where it is proposed that as part of an Arrangement, the Student may be required to undertake vehicle travel with the employer and/or a supervisor the travel form must be completed and returned to the Pathways office together with the Work Experience Arrangement form.
If the student is required to stay at accommodation other than his/her normal place of residence for the purpose of the arrangement, the accommodation form must be completed and returned to the Pathways office together with the Work Experience Arrangement form.
All parties must sign the forms above.
Features of the Yarra Hills Secondary College Year 10 Work Experience Program
- All Year 10 students are expected to do a minimum of one week’s work experience
- The designated work experience week is the last week of Term 2.
- Students can arrange additional work experience during the term holidays but cannot do work experience during the summer holidays (Dec/Jan).
- The College requires that students must be 15 years of age to access work experience. Students who will not be 15 years of age during the designated work experience week, will need to wait until they turn 15 to do work experience.
- Students are expected to find their own work experience. The Pathways Team will be available to assist students through this process.
- Students are encouraged, where possible, to use their work experience as a ‘TASTER” and undertake work experience in an area in which they have a career interest. This will give them some insight into the work involved and the skills and personal qualities that the job requires.
- All students are required to complete OHS training and testing before going out on work experience. This is mandated by government regulation.
Students in Year 11 and 12 who wish to do work experience will normally be required to do work experience in the school holidays.
Further information is available at:
The work experience arrangement form can be accessed from this site.