Yarra Hills Secondary College – an eLearning journey
Yarra Hills Secondary College has been recognised as a Leading School in the Department of Education and Training’s Leading Schools’ Fund. Since 2006 Yarra Hills Secondary College, along with six other schools in the Yarra Valley and outer eastern area of Melbourne, have been acknowledged as Leading Schools’, using Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in its classrooms with our students. 2011 saw Federal Government funding support the introduction of a 1 to 1 laptop device for year 9 to 12 students. During this time the Principals and Teachers at Yarra Hills SC saw how a 1 to 1 device program supported learning in the classroom and prepared students for an increasingly connected world. Our year 7 and 8 students use laptop devices also.
Following a review of our ICT/Technology and the current student device in 2018, the College has made the decision to offer a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Windows Laptop program for all students that commenced in 2019.
Continuing in 2025, Yarra Hills Secondary College will be running a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Windows Laptop program for Year 7 students. Year 8 & 9 students will continue to use their Windows laptop device that was purchased for 2023 or 2024. Students in Year 10 to 12 will be supported with the continuation of the BYOD (senior school laptop) program in 2025 and beyond.
As a school we are in the business of educating our students, it is imperative that we support and recommend devices that are easy to use and have the appropriate hardware and software specifications to allow our students to learn effectively.
Yarra Hills SC has chosen a third party provider: JB Hi-Fi Education to present a purchasing option to families. This program involves the endorsement of a small selection of education specific devices, at various price points, which we have tested to be compatible with the school network. These devices will be available with education pricing from the third party provider, with hardware support, device support, onsite warranty included. Insurance options for accidental damage and theft are available and we believe this is an essential choice. The importance of appropriate warranty and accidental damage protection can’t be stressed enough as previous experience shows that device damage can occur in the education environment.
For our staff to effectively teach students, we endeavour to have as many ‘like’ devices as possible and preferably with the same operating system and application suite.
From previous experience, learning and engagement is adversely impacted when students have varying operating systems and don’t have the capacity to run the software required.
All student BYOD will have access to the following resources whilst on campus:
- Internet Access
- Moodle/Compass/Clickview Access
- Printing
- Microsoft 365
Support is available for other BYOD, subject to minimum and maximum specifications, please refer to the appropriate table of specifications for your student’s year level. We cannot however guarantee compatibility of these other devices with all network functions and parents may need to purchase any required educational software independently. We allow families to purchase or provide the BYOD from the most suitable source. Please also refer to the detailed FAQs to assist families in the decision making process.
Preparation for 2025 school year
New Windows 11 laptops should be configured with a Personal Microsoft account, eg: name_surname@outlook.com. Any students under 13 years of age will require parents to configure a Family Microsoft Account and allow their students access, Please also configure a recovery mobile phone number and email address. Yarra Hills Secondary College is currently not using the work/school account option for students on their personal devices.
Once school commences, students will be supported to connect their devices to the college network and access the resources they require.
Please refer the FAQs below.
Portal Details:
Portal address: https://byod.jbhifi.education
School Code: YHSC2025
Program: Year 7 to Year 9 Lenovo Program
The device remains the property of the parent/families and will be supported for use on our school Wi-Fi network but can also be used on your home (or portable) Wi-Fi network.
Year 7 to 9 BYOD Windows laptop program – Device Specifications
Minimum Device Specification
Maximum Device Specification
FAQs – Year 7 to 9 BYOD Windows laptop program
Where can I source a BYOD Windows laptop?
- Parents can purchase a recommended device from the College’s BYOD purchasing partner JB Hi-Fi Solutions for Education.
The portal can be found at: https://byod.jbhifi education
The school access code is: YHSC2025
All devices include 3 years onsite hardware warranty. We strongly suggest purchasing accidental damage protection (ADP) and theft insurance at the same time, $100 excess applies. - Parents can purchase a device of similar specification from other sources such as The Good Guys, Harvey Norman, JB Hi-Fi, etc. The College strongly suggests that parents include a warranty that will cover your investment for up to 3 years and that consideration be given to accidental damage and/or theft. Please consult your chosen retailer or home insurance provider for advice.
Why does YHSC provide BYOD Windows laptop options from JB Hi-Fi Education Solutions?
Historically we have found that parents and families can be confused by the array of devices, specifications and sales claims around suitability for BYOD. The intention of Yarra Hills SC providing a purchasing partner is to make this journey as simple as possible for our families. Families are not obliged to purchase from JB Hi-Fi Solutions for Education.
The portal can also be used (without purchase) by families to check device specifications, warranty and insurance options for comparison purposes.
What happens if my student’s BYOD breaks down?
- If the device was purchased through the College’s BYOD purchasing partner JB Hi-Fi Solutions for Education, the College technicians can lodge the warranty claim and arrange for repair at school. Usually 3 to 5 days turn around depending on parts supply.
A loan device can be borrowed from the school library on a period by period basis. - If parents provided the device outside of the above purchasing partner, parents are responsible for taking action on warranty claims or repairs directly with the retailer or manufacturer.
A loan device can be borrowed from the school library on a period by period basis.
What happens if my student’s BYOD is damaged?
In the unfortunate situation that a device is damaged, it is important to seek advice quickly. In the first instance students should inform their classroom teacher, followed by a visit to the College technicians.
- If the device was purchased through the College’s BYOD purchasing partner, JB Hi-Fi Solutions for Education (with Accidental Damage Protection insurance) parents should begin the Accidental Damage claim process as soon as possible to ensure the device is operational again in a timely manner.
Devices with broken glass should not be brought to school until repaired or replaced due to OHS concerns. A loan device can be borrowed from the school library on a period by period basis. - If parents provided the device outside of the above purchasing partner, parents are responsible for taking action on repairs (or replacement) directly with the retailer or manufacturer. A loan device can be borrowed from the school library on a period by period basis.
What happens if the operating system or software fails?
If families are not confident in resolving any software related issue with their students device, please encourage your student to visit the college ICT technicians for support and advice.
What software will my student’s BYOD need?
Your student’s device will need current and up to date Anti-Virus software. We recommend ensuring the inbuilt Windows Defender software is active and is being updated regularly.
Yarra Hills Secondary College utilises the Microsoft 365 application suite extensively and the Department of Education and Training (Victoria) has a licensing agreement that allows this software to be installed on devices whilst your student attends a Victorian public school.
Do I need to buy Microsoft Windows or Microsoft Office too?
No for Windows and no for Microsoft 365. When families purchase a new Windows laptop it will be delivered with Microsoft Windows pre-installed. The purchase price includes a license to use Microsoft Windows. The retail store may attempt to sell families a license for the Microsoft 365 application suite, this is extra software that does attract a cost. But as the device is intended for BYOD at a Victorian public school, the licensing is covered by our agreement with Microsoft. Please see previous FAQ.
What sort of physical storage/protection is offered at school?
All students are allocated an individual locker that should be secured at all times with a suitable lock. BYOD devices can be secured in these lockers if not required for a particular class. Otherwise, it is expected that all BYOD are transported to and from school and within the school grounds in an appropriately sized and designed carry case that protects the device.
We encourage all parents to ensure this carry case requirement is met.
What about recharging the device?
It is expected that all devices are brought to school each day fully charged. The College does not currently have recharging facilities for students. Please refer to our Minimum Device Specification table stating – a manufacturer declared battery life of at least 8 hours.
Should I purchase insurance for the Windows laptop BYOD?
It is strongly recommended that parents investigate arranging insurance for their student’s device. Many household ‘Home and Contents’ policies include coverage for this already (whilst the device is at home) but may require an additional premium to fully cover a device that is moved to and from school. Else, there are many companies that specialise in this type of insurance specifically.
What login name, ID and password do I use on my student’ BYOD?
New Windows 11 laptops should be configured with a Personal Microsoft account, eg: name_surname@outlook.com. Any students under 13 years of age will require parents to configure a Family Microsoft Account and allow their students access, Please also configure a recovery mobile phone number and email address. Yarra Hills Secondary College is currently not using the work/school account option for students on their personal devices.
Does my student need a Microsoft Account or Google account for the BYOD Windows laptop?
Since the introduction of Windows 11, students need a Microsoft Account to login to their devices, see above. The unique Yarra Hills Secondary College login ID and password will be used exclusively to access all College educational resources from the device. This includes, Moodle, Compass, Email, Clickview and Microsoft 365 web based applications. It is the intention throughout the College that any email correspondence your student/s have with their teachers is through the provided Yarra Hills Secondary College ID and Email system. Third party email is discouraged on any student BYOD.
What if our device has a 3G/4G card with internet access?
The College recommends that all devices are Wi-Fi only (see Minimum Device Specification) which will enable connection to the internet through our own content filters and via home (or portable) Wi-Fi networks. The College cannot monitor or be responsible for content accessed outside of our network.
Would 32 or 64GB be enough hard drive storage on a BYOD Windows laptop?
Whilst it is possible to install Windows on a 32GB hard drive, experience has shown that sufficient space will not be available for school required software (Microsoft 365 application suite etc), security updates, Anti-Virus updates and document storage. To ensure your students BYOD journey is as smooth as possible we strongly recommend following the Minimum Device Specification (120GB).
Can I use an old Windows 8 or Windows 10 laptop?
The College ICT support team will not deny the connection of older devices. As technology moves at a rapid pace, we have seen students struggle with devices that unfortunately no longer make their BYOD journey a rewarding one.
- Ageing batteries that provide insufficient device runtime
- Ageing (and slow) hard drives that make completing basic productivity tasks difficult
- Corrupt operating systems that have no recovery system
- Out of date operating systems and applications that no longer work well with modern web sites
- Devices without functioning Anti-Virus software that leave the students work vulnerable to loss
- Devices with worn out hinges so the screen won’t stay in place.
These are examples of some of the struggles students have had with devices that don’t meet the Minimum Device Specification.
Does the school perform maintenance on the Windows laptop BYOD?
Students and parents are responsible for maintenance of all privately owned devices. Refer above, ensure Anti-Virus software and Windows updates are being regularly installed. College ICT technicians are available to provide support and advice to students and parents if required. The College ICT technicians are available to students before school, recess, lunch time and after school. Parents can communicate with College technicians via email: ictsupport@yarrahills.vic.edu.au
Does my student need the Windows laptop BYOD from the start of the 2025 year?
It is expected that students will attend school from the beginning of the year with all appropriate resources, including their Windows laptop BYOD. Classroom teachers will likely utilise resources that require students have a functional BYOD from the first week of term.
Can I purchase a JB Hi-Fi Solutions for Education BYOD in early 2025 for my student?
Yes, although the purchasing portal is currently open for purchase and supply before the end of 2024, the portal will be available in the new calendar year, with updated delivery timelines provided, to assist parents who may not have sourced a Windows laptop BYOD.
Can my student use an Apple MAC or iPad for year 7 BYOD?
To ensure consistent classroom and course content delivery, the Principals and Teachers at Yarra Hills SC believe a uniform device platform is highly desirable. With consideration given to device consistency and cost to families, Yarra Hills SC has decided to only support a Windows laptop BYOD from year 7 in 2025.
Why do you not recommend a large screen laptop for BYOD?
Generally large screen (15” and above) laptops are designed to be portable but not necessarily fully mobile for 6 to 8 hours (a full school day). As such, large screen laptops can be quite powerful, have short/poor battery life, be awkward to use in a classroom given their physical size and present a weight carrying (OHS) concern for our students. Yarra Hills Secondary College recommend following the guidelines in the Maximum Device Specification table.
Further Questions
Further BYOD Junior School Windows laptop program queries that are unanswered in these FAQs can be directed to our College technicians via email: ictsupport@yarrahills.vic.edu.au
Preparation for 2025 school year
Families with students moving into year 10 (and above) in 2025 are strongly encouraged to ensure they have sourced a BYOD (senior school laptop) prior to the start of the school year. Students with existing devices need to ensure the device is fully functioning and has the Microsoft 365 application suite installed. We also encourage all families to ensure their student’s device has a ‘recovery USB’ created in case of operating system corruption or hard disk failure. Please see the FAQs below.
Portal Details:
Portal address: https://byod.jbhifi.education
School Code: YHSC2025
Program: Year 10 to Year 12 Lenovo Program
The device remains the property of the parent/families and will be supported for use on our school Wi-Fi network but can also be used on your home (or portable) Wi-Fi network.
Year 10 to 12 BYOD senior school laptop program – Device Specifications
Minimum Device Specification
Maximum Device Specification
FAQs – Year 10 to 12 BYOD senior school laptop program
Where can I source a BYOD senior school laptop?
- Parents can purchase a recommended device from the College’s BYOD purchasing partner JB Hi-Fi Solutions for Education.
The portal can be found at: https://byod.jbhifi.education
The school access code is: YHSC2025
All devices include 3 years onsite hardware warranty. We strongly suggest purchasing accidental damage protection (ADP) and theft insurance at the same time, $100 insurance excess applies.
2. Parents can purchase a device of similar specification from other sources such as The Good Guys, Harvey Norman, JB Hi-Fi, etc. The College strongly suggests that parents include a warranty that will cover your investment for up to 3 years and that consideration be given to accidental damage and/or theft. Please consult your chosen retailer or home insurance provider for advice.
Why does YHSC provide BYOD senior school laptop options from JB Hi-Fi Solutions for Education?
Historically we have found that parents and families can be confused by the array of devices, specifications and sales claims around suitability for BYOD. The intention of Yarra Hills SC providing a purchasing partner is to make this journey as simple as possible for our families. Families are not obliged to purchase from JB Hi-Fi Solutions for Education.
The portal can also be used (without purchase) by families to check device specifications, warranty and accidental damage cover for comparison purposes.
What happens if my student’s BYOD breaks down?
- If the device was purchased through the College’s BYOD purchasing partner JB Hi-Fi Solutions for Education, the College technicians can lodge the warranty claim and arrange for repair at school. Usually 3 to 5 days turn around depending on parts supply.
A loan device can be borrowed from the school library on a period by period basis. - If parents provided the device outside of the above purchasing partner, parents are responsible for actioning warranty claims or repairs directly with the retailer or manufacturer. A loan device can be borrowed from the school library on a period by period basis.
What happens if my student’s BYOD is damaged?
In the unfortunate situation that a device is damaged, it is important to seek advice quickly. In the first instance students should inform their classroom teacher, followed by a visit to the College technicians.
- If the device was purchased through the College’s BYOD purchasing partner, JB Hi-Fi Solutions for Education (with Accidental Damage Protection insurance) parents should begin the Accidental Damage claim process as soon as possible to ensure the device is operational again in a timely manner.
Devices with broken glass should not be brought to school until repaired or replaced due to OHS concerns. A loan device can be borrowed from the school library on a period by period basis. - If parents provided the device outside of the above purchasing partner, parents are responsible for actioning repairs (or replacement) directly with the retailer or manufacturer. A loan device can be borrowed from the school library on a period by period basis.
What happens if the operating system or software fails?
If families are not confident in resolving any software related issue with their students device, please encourage your student to visit the college ICT technicians for support and advice.
What software will my student’s BYOD need?
Your student’s device will need current and up to date Anti-Virus software. We recommend ensuring the inbuilt Windows Defender software is active and is being updated regularly.
Yarra Hills Secondary College utilises the Microsoft 365 application suite extensively and the Department of Education and Training (Victoria) has a licensing agreement that allows this software to be installed on devices whilst your student attends a Victorian public school.
Do I need to buy Microsoft Windows or Microsoft Office too?
No for Windows and no for Microsoft Office. When families purchase a new Windows laptop it will be delivered with Microsoft Windows pre-installed. The purchase price includes a license to use Microsoft Windows. The retail store may attempt to sell families a licence for the Microsoft Office application suite, this is extra software that does attract a cost. But as the device is intended for BYOD at a Victorian public school, the licensing is covered by our agreement with Microsoft. Please see previous FAQ.
What sort of physical storage/protection is offered at school?
All students are allocated an individual locker that should be secured at all times with a suitable lock. BYOD devices can be secured in these lockers if not required for a particular class. Otherwise, it is expected that all BYOD are transported to and from school and within the school grounds in an appropriately sized and designed carry case that protects the device.
We encourage all parents to ensure this carry case requirement is met.
What about recharging the device?
It is expected that all devices are brought to school each day fully charged. The College does not currently have recharging facilities for students. Please refer to our Minimum Device Specification table stating – a manufacturer declared battery life of at least 8 hours.
Should I purchase insurance for the BYOD senior school laptop?
It is strongly recommended that parents investigate arranging insurance for their student’s device. Many household ‘Home and Contents’ policies include coverage for this already (whilst the device is at home) but may require an additional premium to fully cover a device that is moved to and from school. Else, there are many companies that specialise in this type of insurance specifically.
What login name, ID and password do I use on my student’ BYOD?
New Windows 11 laptops should be configured with a Personal Microsoft account, eg: name_surname@outlook.com. Any students under 13 years of age will require parents to configure a Family Microsoft Account and allow their students access, Please also configure a recovery mobile phone number and email address. Yarra Hills Secondary College is currently not using the work/school account option for students on their personal devices.
Does my student need a Microsoft Account or Google account for the BYOD senior school laptop?
Since the introduction of Windows 11, students need a Microsoft Account to login to their devices, see above. The unique Yarra Hills Secondary College login ID and password will be used exclusively to access all College educational resources from the device. This includes, Moodle, Compass, Email, Clickview and Microsoft 365 web based applications. It is the intention throughout the College that any email correspondence your student/s have with their teachers is through the provided Yarra Hills Secondary College ID and Email system. Third party email is discouraged on any student BYOD.
What if our device has a 3G/4G card with internet access?
The College recommends that all devices are Wi-Fi only (see Minimum Device Specification) which will enable connection to the internet through our own content filters and via home (or portable) Wi-Fi networks. The College cannot monitor or be responsible for content accessed outside of our network.
Would 32 or 64GB be enough hard drive storage on a BYOD senior school laptop?
Whilst it is possible to install Windows on a 32GB hard drive, experience has shown that sufficient space will not be available for school required software (Microsoft Office application suite etc), security updates, Anti-Virus updates and document storage. To ensure your students BYOD journey is as smooth as possible we strongly recommend following the Minimum Device Specification (120GB).
Can I use an old Windows 8 or Windows 10 laptop?
The College ICT support team will not deny the connection of older devices. As technology moves at a rapid pace, we have seen students struggle with devices that unfortunately no longer make their BYOD journey a rewarding one.
- Ageing batteries that provide insufficient device runtime
- Ageing (and slow) hard drives that make completing basic productivity tasks difficult
- Corrupt operating systems that have no recovery system
- Out of date operating systems and applications that no longer work well with modern web sites
- Devices without functioning Anti-Virus software that leave the students work vulnerable to loss
- Devices with worn out hinges so the screen won’t stay in place.
These are examples of some of the struggles students have had with devices that don’t meet the Minimum Device Specification.
Does the school perform maintenance on the BYOD senior school laptop?
Students and parents are responsible for maintenance of all privately owned devices. Refer above, ensure Anti-Virus software and Windows updates are being regularly installed. College technicians are available to provide support and advice to students and parents if required. The College technicians are available to students before school, recess, lunch time and after school. Parents can communicate with College technicians via email: ictsupport@yarrahills.vic.edu.au
Does my student need the BYOD senior school laptop from the start of the 2025 year?
It is expected that students will attend school from the beginning of the year with all appropriate resources, including their BYOD senior school laptop. Classroom teachers will likely utilise resources that require students have a functional BYOD from the first week of term.
Do I need to install the recommended software before the start of the 2025 year?
Again, it is expected that students will have appropriate resources and applications in preparation for use from the start of the school year. Please refer to the links in Moodle to access the Microsoft 365 application suite.
Can I purchase a JB Hi-Fi Solutions for Education BYOD in early 2025 for my student?
Yes, although the purchasing portal is currently open for purchase and supply before the end of 2024, the portal will be available in the new calendar year, with updated delivery timelines provided, to assist parents who may not have sourced a senior school laptop BYOD.
Can my student use an Apple MAC as a BYOD senior school laptop?
To ensure consistent classroom and course content delivery, the Principals and Teachers at Yarra Hills SC believe a uniform device platform is highly desirable. With consideration given to device consistency and cost to families, Yarra Hills SC recommends a Windows based device, but, Apple MACs are supported as a BYOD senior school laptop. Refer to Minimum Device Specification table.
Can my student use an iPad for senior school BYOD?
The BYOD journey into senior school is heavily reliant on productivity applications, such as Microsoft Office and creativity applications such as Photoshop (depending on electives and subjects chosen). iPads as a device have processing and physical limitations that mean they are not recommended for use in the BYOD senior school program.
Why do you not recommend a large screen laptop for BYOD?
Generally large screen (15” and above) laptops are designed to be portable but not necessarily fully mobile for 6 to 8 hours (a full school day). As such, large screen laptops can be quite powerful, have short/poor battery life, be awkward to use in a classroom given their physical size and present a weight carrying (OHS) concern for our students. Yarra Hills SC highly recommend following the guidelines in the Maximum Device Specification table.
Further Questions
Further BYOD Senior School Windows laptop program queries that are unanswered in these FAQs can be directed to our College technicians via email: ictsupport@yarrahills.vic.edu.au