Year 11 VM Students
VM update! Here is a selection of the things that have been happing this term, including:
-Students in Year 11 WRS learning about the employability skill of problem solving. Using the ice cream sticks students were given specific instructions on moving a number of sticks to create new shapes. A lot of puzzled students who worked well together to try and solve the riddles!
-Students in a year 11 WRS class learning about teamwork. Students were given various instructions including turning around, standing on one leg, being blindfolded. They were then challenged with the task of working together to pass skittles only using spoons down the line. A lot of dropped skittles and dizzy students eventually saw students working together to try and ultimately win!
-Year 11 VM students participated in a fantastic presentation by our very own Ms Ritchie. This presentation is linked to students PDS subject, which explores local communities. Ms Richie is a proud founder of the Montrose Community Cupboard and gave an insight into the invaluable support this program offers our local communities.
-Year 11 VM students undertaking their Whitecard training certificate. Students participated in lots of activities, real life scenarios and exploring PPE.
-Year 12 VM students undertaking their food safety and RSA course. A lot of activities and discussion topped off with some safe practice cooking. Congratulations to all who achieved their certifications!